How to Develop a Business Plan

by Oct 15, 2022CFO Solutions and Start Ups

This presentation on “How to Develop a Business Plan”  elucidates the steps involved in developing a business plan.

A business plan is a:

  • Live document that we refer to regularly and which can be changed and updated
  • Toolkit to help guide our actions and steer our way towards our goals
  • Great way to showcase the organization, passion, and creativity
  • Opportunity to work out the finances and demonstrate financial sustainability
  • Way of showing how the organization would achieve its social impact
  • Statement of where the organization is now and where it wants to be.

A standard Business Plan template would cover the following:

  • Title page
  • Contents
  • Executive Summary
  • About the Organization – ideally a SWOT analysis
  • What are our operations?
  • Market Analysis
  • Market research and testing
  • What is the go-to-market strategy?
  • Operational plan
  • Resource, management, and governance
  • Value chain analysis of the organization
  • Revenue and cost structure
  • Financial Plan matching the business plan
  • Project viability including Net Present Value and Internal Rate of Return
  • Risk Map
  • Contact details

The organization leadership has to play a pivotal role in the preparation of the Business and Financial Plan

The leadership needs to be fully committed to the plan presented in the document and present it to the promoters for finalization.

Once it is approved by the promoters, the CFO along with the CEO of the leadership team of the start-up needs to present the business plan to the Board of Directors for approval. 

How to Develop a Business Plan – PDF/ PPT

To get full information on “How to Develop a Business Plan” please check the Presentation below: