Finance for non-finance – Module 7 – Enterprise Risk Management – The concept

by Jun 8, 2023Finance for Non-Finance

Finance for non-finance – Module 7 – Enterprise Risk Management – The concept

This module discusses, the types of risk, risk management and COSO framework. It articulates risk management cycle and explains this as follows:

  • Control environment
  • Risk assessment
  • Risk maps
  • Control activities
  • Information and communication

It also highlights internal control processes and risk management processes. It suggests a broad risk management plan and talks about a risk management Questionnaire that should cover the following:

  • Business Planning, Management and Control Environment
  • Budgeting and budgetary control
  • Revenue to Cash
  • Procurement to Payable
  • Attendance Records and Payroll
  • Record to report transaction
  • Information systems, Management and controls

Finance for non-finance - Module 7 - Enterprise Risk Management - The concept